Setup Openvpn on Synology router RT6600ax SRM 1.3

This article is based on a synology router RT6600ax. First you have to install “VPN plus server” then you have to go to: Standard VPN/OpenVPN click enable Open vpn server. remember to check mark “Verify server CN” else you get an error

WARNING: No server certificate verification method has been enabled. 

Click export Configuration

edit the *ovpn file in notepad

To set up an OpenVPN client on Windows:

  1. Install OpenVPN client on Windows
    *An OpenVPN client on Windows is called OpenVPN GUI.
    *Download it from and install the client.
    *The default installation directory is C:\ProgramFiles\OpenVPN.
  2. Run OpenVPN GUI as administrator.
  3. Edit VPNConfig.ovpn and replace YOUR_SERVER_IP with public IP of your Router.
    *Remove # before “redirect-gateway def1” to route all client traffic (including web-traffic) through this VPN Server.
  4. Put VPNConfig.ovpn into the config subdirectory under OpenVPN directory
    (ie. C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config).
  5. Put the files of VPNConfig.ovpn into the configuration folder.

When you connect with this setting Your public ip adress will change”to the ip of the open VPN server”