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Synology router understøtter site to site vpn. Efter DSM er opgraderet til SRM version 1.3 er der sket ændringer på din router. Den understøtter flere netværk F.eks. Gæste netværk, Vlan.
Dette kan give nogle udfordringer når du skal oprette et site og site VPN, for under “privat undernet” kan man ikke vælge “netværk 1” som er det primære netværk
Du kan se at man kan vælge Lan på billedet : men det er oprettet manuelt under objekter
Sådan opretter du et objekt “netværk”. Gå i VPN plus server og vælg objekt. Klik på tilføj og opret et netværk som er = Netværk 1 primær netværk
Åben container manger på din Synology. Bemærk det er er ikke alle Synology modeller som Der kan installeres container manager på. Denne guide tager udgangspunkt i at du har DSM 7.0. Start med at downloade twingate
Gå under under container, klik på opret.
Tilføje disse variabler
Husk at når du første har genereret token kan du ikke få dem vist igen.
Du må heller ikke genbruge tokens
‘Connector tokens are unique to each individual Connector and they cannot be shared between Connectors.’
Når connector er forbundet skal der laves en “resource”
En resource kan være en enhed ip adresse, en range af ipadresser,det kan være porte f.esk 3389
nu skal der laves adgang til en resource f.eks en Synology nas
Label=nas-kh Globus = ip adresse på synology nas Alias= dns navn. man kan ikke benytte hostname det skal være et DNS navn. “hostnavn.internal” benyt ikke *.local det kan give problemer.
The version tag. The only allowed value is “DMARC1”. If it’s incorrect or the tag is missing, the DMARC record will be ignored.
p (required)
The DMARC policy. Allowed values are “none”, “quarantine”, or “reject“. The default is “none,” which takes no action against non-authenticated emails. It only helps collect DMARC reports and gain insight into your current email flows and their authentication status. “quarantine” marks the failed emails as suspicious, while “reject” blocks them.
Aggregate report sending destination. It’s the “mailto:” URI that ESPs use to send failure reports. The tag is optional, but you won’t receive reports if you skip it.
Forensic (Failure) report sending destination. It’s the “mailto:” URI that ESPs use to send failure reports. The tag is optional, but you won’t receive reports if you skip it.
The subdomain policy. The subdomain inherits the domain policy tag (p=) explained above unless specifically defined here. Like the domain policy, the allowed values are “none,” “quarantine,” or “reject.” This option isn’t widely used nowadays.
The DKIM signature alignment. This tag follows the alignment between the DKIM domain and the parent Header From domain. Allowed values are “r” (relaxed) or “s” (strict). “r” is the default and allows a partial match, while the “s” tag requires the domains to be the same.
The SPF alignment. This tag follows the alignment between the SPF domain (the sender) and the Header From domain. Allowed values are “r” (relaxed) or “s” (strict). “r” is the default, and allows a partial match, while the “s” tag requires the domains to be exactly the same.
Forensic reporting options. Allowed values are “0,” “1,” “d,” and “s.” “0” is the default value, which generates a forensic report when both SPF and DKIM fail to produce an aligned pass. If either of the protocol outcomes is something other than pass, use “1.” “d” generates a report when DKIM is invalid, while “s” does the same for SPF. Define the ruf tag to receive forensic reports.
The reporting format for failure reports. Allowed values are “afrf” and “iodef”.
The percentage tag. This tag works on domains with a “quarantine” or “reject” policy only. It marks the percentage of failed emails a given policy should be applied to. The rest falls under a lower policy. For example, if “pct=70,” on a domain with a “quarantine” policy, it applies only 70% of the time. The remaining 30% goes under “p=none”. Similarly, if “p=reject” and “pct=70,” “reject” applies to 70% of failed emails, and 30% go into “quarantine.”
Reporting interval. Marks the frequency of received XML reports in seconds. The default is 86400 (once a day). Regardless of the set interval, in most cases, ISPs send the reports at different intervals (usually once a day).